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Virtual HP-IL
HP-IL (Hewlett Packard Interface Loop) is a system that permits
communication between devices. They are connected over a simple
2-wire cable in a loop. HP-IL was designed as a small, low power,
low cost, and medium distance interface that allows to produce
portable calculators and peripherals.
Nowadays we simulate handheld devices and some peripherals too.
As such it makes no sense to save data for example on a 3½
inch floppy disk. It is more convenient to save it on a hard disk,
flash memory or on an optical media. In addition hardware with
an HP-IL interface (e. g. printer) is quite old and rare these
days. To link the simulated substitute also the transport
interface must be replaced. This is the idea behind
"Virtual HP-IL".
In summer 2009 Jean-François Garnier published his
PIL-Box project
to link real HP-IL hardware with virtual devices on a PC. The PIL-Box
itself is a piece of hardware connecting the HP-IL system with a PC via
USB bus. On the PC a program called "HP-IL Peripheral emulator" (short
ILPer) is simulating a generic printer and a mass storage device.
Jean-François Garnier wrote ILPer originally in Visual Basic.
In 2010 I ported his sources with some improvements to Visual C. ILPer
up to V1.35 was designed to work only in conjunction with the PIL-Box
resulting in an isolated HP-IL solution which could not be used as an
universal peripheral simulator. ILPer since V1.4 got also an additional
TPC/IP interface, allowing to link many different simulated devices in
one virtual HP-IL loop. This page
shows an example of connecting two ILPer programs and an additional IL
frame sniffer to a PIL-Box. The bridge between the "Virtual
HP-IL" and the PIL-Box hardware is realized with the program
Here a block diagram showing the typical configuration with ILPer before
Block diagram with one virtual device on a PIL-Box
Following a block diagram showing the extended possibilities of
combining the real with the virtual HP-IL world - even spread over
several PCs - using TCP/IP:
Block diagram combining real and virtual devices
ILPer v2.42
Peripheral simulator for Win32 is simulating a HP-IL
generic printer, two mass storage devices and a DosLink
interface. Source code included.
222KB |
ILVideo v1.41
The Virtual HP-IL simulation of the HP-82163A
Video Interface with Monitor for Win32. Source code
included. *
73KB |
ILVideo80 v1.31
The Virtual HP-IL simulation of the HP-92198
80-column Video Interface with Monitor for Windows 2000 and
later. Source code included.
82KB |
ILDoslink v1.06
A Virtual HP-IL interface simulation for Win32
allowing import and export data to the PC file system. Source
code included. *
56KB |
ILScope v1.56
A Virtual HP-IL frame code debugger as
virtual loop through device for Win32. Source code included.
58KB |
ILPilbox v1.66
A PIL-Box to Virtual HP-IL bridge software
for Win32. Source code included.
56KB |
ILCtrl v1.19
ILCtrl, a ported and expanded version of
Jean-François Garnier original ILCtrl program, is a simple
HP-IL controller demonstrator for Win32. Source code included.
69KB |
ILProgsIPv4 is a collection of all IL-exe files
above compiled with MSVC6 using the IPv4 stack only.
This versions have less requirements about Runtime files,
so the programs will normally run without installing an
additional runtime on most recent Windows OS.
135KB |
ILVideo color scheme |
New Green and Amber Monitor color scheme registry
patch for the Virtual HP-IL simulation program ILVideo v1.0.
1KB |
VS2005 Runtime |
The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable
Package (x86) for the above programs. (Only required if not
installed before.)
2644KB |
(c) Christoph Gießelink |
Last changes: 05/28/24 |
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